The needs in Sri Lanka are tremendous and never ending. Even without the Tsunami or Civil War, Sri Lankans battle the deprivations of a typical third world country, particularly limited facilities for the handicapped, elderly or orphans and poverty leading many to the streets or prison. 

What makes us so successful is the ease with which we work in the country, our numerous contacts and most importantly – our reputation.  Because we are known for helping so many, we are brought cases of those who have fallen between the cracks.  We are even sent needy by other NGO’s because their rules do not allow them to help. Like the Statue of Liberty, we proclaim, “Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses….”

 We have the people in need, but we need your help if we are to serve them.  In a world where $50 can build and stock a  chicken coop to make an elderly couple self-sufficient; where a child’s mosquito net costs less than $1; where medical care in the best hospital costs hundreds, not tens of thousands, your contribution can and will affect lives.  You can literally save a life, give hearing to the deaf, and joy to the joyless.  And unlike large international charities, every penny of your donation goes directly to Sri Lanka.   All overhead including travel costs is borne by the volunteers.  If you wish, you can earmark you contribution for a particular person, group or project.  At your request, we will gladly send you photos of your contribution at work.  We urge you to become part of our team and feel the joy that comes to all of us through this work.

​Copyright Service, Love, Hope, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Call Us: 703-627-4389

  • Liszt:: 3 Etude De Concert, S.144: No.3 Un Sospiro (Misha Dichter (Piano))5:10