• Liszt:: 3 Etude De Concert, S.144: No.3 Un Sospiro (Misha Dichter (Piano))5:10
​Copyright Service, Love, Hope, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Denijen, a severely retarded young boy, is one of our happiest experiences.  We first met him in the Thiruchentur refugee camp, where his father was the local leader.  He was laying in a tent to escape the intense heat.  His mother sat by swatting flies away from him, all day.  On a trip back to the west, we made arrangements to obtain a wheelchair which we brought the following week.  To see Denijen laughing as he rode around the refugee camp was wonderful.  It was great to see the children jealous of him as they all wanted a ride.  Over the years, we have provided continuing support which has included dental care, a bed, circulating fan, regular supplies of food, and plenty of toys.  We helped his mother set-up a small food stand for local workers and she is now able to support her family without further assistance from us.  Through it all we have gratefully watched Denijen grow from a  young boy into a man.

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