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Hyrum was the second Boy Scout from Northern Virginia to do his Eagle Project in Sri Lanka. The first, Jonathan, built a small convenience store for a single mother and Sanathan, her handicapped child. Hyrum, spent his time re-building a playground at the Ozanum Center for mentally and physically handicapped. He enlisted the help of the local Sri Lankan scout troop as well as some of the residents at the facility. Together they repaired dilapidated equipment, replaced some and brought in additional as needed. A fun (and messy) two days were spent painting everything in sight. Anxious to try out the equipment we could not wait another day for the paint to dry fully and we all received permanent reminders of work!
Lillian spent her time in the nursery of the Prithipura Home. There she worked all day tending to the most profoundly impacted infants and young children. The work was exhausting and very emotionally trying but in the end of her experience she longed to return. Click here for a short video tour of the nursery.